Monday, September 27, 2010

So simple, yet so difficult…

Yes!! I figured out how to put the Goodreads widget on here..phew..that took long, but it was just so simple! All you have to do is...get the html Goodreads widget code and put into the "HTML/JAVA" gadget seen here under the design tab. Yep, it was that easy. That just got me thinking, how sometimes things are so simple but we get so stressed out over nothing, at least I do. I just need to relax sometimes, something I rarely let myself do. Wish I was like my sister in this regard, who is very laid back and doesn't let anything phase her.

Anyway, this is just a quick update post because I really don't have much to say tonight. In terms of reading I didn't get much done :( both school and fun-reading wise. Hoping to remedy this situation as the night goes by.

Till next time,


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