Saturday, October 30, 2010

It Happened One Autumn (Wallflowers #2)

I finished reading It Happened One Autumn by Lisa Kleypas this week. It was a fun read...ever since reading Secrets of a Summer Night, I was looking forward to reading Lillian and Westcliff's story. This book didn't disappoint me at all and I have to say I like it much better than the first in the wallflowers series. Lillian was the firey, hot headed, does-whatever-she-wants-to kind of a girl. And I also like the fact that when she was in trouble, she was able to hold her own and did not wait to be "rescued". Westcliff was an interesting character as well...for me he was not the makes-me-weak-in-the-knees hero. I wish that his character had developed more because I did feel that his falling in love with Lillian was rather abrupt...That being said, I really like this book! Also, I really like the fact that Sebastian was introduced in this book ;) 

I have already started reading Devil in Winter (Wallflowers #3) which is Evie and Sebastian's story. Review coming up soon!

Also, I have decided to buy a Kindle for myself this December...eeeee can't wait!

Book Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Truth About Forever & Book Haul

So I finally finished The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen. I gave it a rating of 4 on a scale of 5. School started recently so I have been very busy and didn't really have much time to read the book, so it was read in parts and pieces. Macy's character and her struggle for perfection is something I can relate to excluding her loss. But really, it doesn't take a loss in your life to think about forever and what it holds for you. I often found myself wondering the same things that Macy would think about. Jason's character is one of those characters who happens to show up only in two scenes and has a really big role in it all nevertheless. Wes and Macy's relationship was something which developed very slowly, and while I could have absolutely died at more gestures of affection, I do feel that the one kiss did mean a lot. Throughout the book Dessen had many metaphors and analogies which got me thinking in a very good way. Monica's character was a tad bit exaggerated in my opinion. Overall it was a nice summer read..which I read in fall. haha. Wes was a total hottie too with his whole tortured artist routine :)

I ordered some books on, which now has a minimum purchase requirement of $25 in order to take advantage of the free super saving shipping!! This is a huge difference from the $39 that it used to be before. Maybe this minimum purchase requirement will also keep me in budget next time? I just can't wait till also introduces the Kindle on its website, hopefully before Christmas? Because either way I have decided to treat myself to the Kindle :) I mean as much as I would love to have an iPad, I just can't justify spending that much money on it at this point in my life.

Talk about going on a tangent there, anyway I got 10 books in total, more paperbacks than harcovers but here is the list:

1. Glimmerglass by Jenna Black (Paperback)
2. Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins (Hardcover)
3. Water For Elephants by Sara Gruen (Paperback)
4. As You Wish by Jackson Pearce (Paperback)
5. Paranormalcy by Kiersten White (Hardcover)
6. It Happened One Autumn by Lisa Kleypas (Paperback)
7. Naked In Death by JD Robb (Paperback)
8. The Iron Daughter by Julie Kagawa (Paperback)
9. The Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare(Hardcover)
10. Amy and Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson (Hardcover)

I definitely prefer paperbacks for their lower prices but hardcovers have the most awesomest covers/designs. So I can never really decide which one I prefer.

Currently, I am reading Raised By Wolves by Jennifer Lynn coming soon!

Sorry for having been MIA...but now I am back in full force :) 

Until next time,


Saturday, October 2, 2010

Rafa & Pico *sa-woon*

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Rafa & Pico. Hahaha. The pictures say a lot :P Oh and the pink is SO manly ;) I am bummed Rafa lost his semifinal match against Garcia-Lopez in Thailand. I mean he had such a high percentage win this year! Good thing I didn't stay up late last night, something I was very tempted to do. Rafa's earnings this year have been the 4th highest of all time, the first three positions all going to Rogelio Federer. All in all, it has been a great year for Rafa...I am so proud of him :) The man is just prefect!

Friday, October 1, 2010

McMaster has a Quidditch Team

And so do many other universities. I just got to know seriouslyy..I am sooo excited to hear this!! But sad at the same time. I mean I love Harry Potter and the fact that a fictional game is now a real game, that is just awesome! But my school doesn't have a Quidditch Team. Boo freaking hoo!

How excited is everyone for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?? :D :D :D 

Today has been a rather productive day filled with lots of learning about neurons, synapses, neurotransmitters, saltatory transmission. But there is still so much to do! Everytime I have a test (or two tests in this case) I end up doing anything BUT study. Life is really unfair =/

Anywhozzle, that is all I got today

Till next time,

Bis :)