Tuesday, February 1, 2011


My Kindle with the DecalGal skin "Laurie's Garden"
I have finally got myself a Kindle :) the Wi-Fi one which cost me well, nothing. Why? Because I earned my Amazon Gift Cards through Swagbucks. If you need more info on this website please message me or click THIS! (It is not a scam and it actually works..) Kindle is well pretty good! I haven't got much time to read these days because of midterms but I did manage to read a book (Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma). And it was pretty darn quick! Not because of the book but because, I don't know, reading books on the Kindle is pretty easy and quick. I am still getting used to it and finding out the new features to use it. Still haven't taken it out with me because I am waiting for my cover (& skin) to arrive since I am a paranoid freak like that who thinks her Kindle will break apart otherwise. I will have more pictures coming up soon...with the cover and the skin on. I have also downloaded lots of free classics from the bookstore.

Back of the Kindle
February is the hell month in terms of studies, which is why I will probably be updating a lot here (ha ha!) because every time I should be studying I end up writing blog posts. Oh and books, well my to be read pile is getting bigger and bigger...but I am not gonna think about it just now, got way too much on my plate at the moment. 

Listening to The Script on repeat. Their new album is sooooooo good. Click HERE for my favourite song off of the new album. You are welcome! :)

Happy Kindling,


Saturday, December 11, 2010

Gilmore Girls

I love Gilmore Girls!! I never really got the chance to watch it when it was on air. But watched it after the entire series ended. I wish this show was still on air! I miss it, despite not having seen it while it was on air. Last month when Amazon was having its black Friday sales, they had the entire series collection of Gilmore Girls on DVD on sale for about $145 (original price $258). I really wanted to get it but even at that much of a discount the price was still steep for me. So I took my butt over to kijiji & craigslist in hunt for GG on DVD. And, OMG, it was like a miracle. A woman was selling it for $50...the ENTIRE FREAKING SERIES. I ended up offering $40 and bought the entire seven seasons :D So this week I have been watching GG, while I should be studying for my Animal Cognition exam! Oh but I love Rory and Lorelia and Jess and Luke. <3 Currently I am on Season 2 (already!) and my favorite line so far is (non funny):

We are almost there and no where near it. All that matters is that we are going - Lorelia to Rory on their trip to Harvard. 

Who does not love this series? I would love to see a Gilmore Girls movie, I promise I wont complain about the movie not being as good as the series =)

Monday, December 6, 2010


I am currently reading Clockwork Angel. And I LOVE it so far! Hoping to finish it by the end of this week...but to be honest I don't want it to end. Will; I want to slap him because of the things he says and do bad things to him because he is just so hot. Haha. I love reading historical romances, so this book was definitely right up my alley. Cassandra has this habit of writing books, that will make you want to read till the very end, at the same time you will not want the book to end. The chemistry between Will and Tessa is just great. Before reading the book, I mostly heard Jem's name and I was surprised to find out that he is not the main hero..but currently I am on page 310 so his role could become more important. Can't wait to find out. I am sure there are different sides already, Will or Jem? I will have to side with Will on this one; for now :)

Update: This book was a great read! Loved it! That is all I can say. If you have read The Mortal Instruments, then this is a must read. I am 100% Team Will ;) Although I don't mind Jem all that much :) (Notice the subtle difference in emoticons).

4 out of 5 stars

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Book Haul

Oh boy, it has been almost a month since I posted here last. Not much has happened - reading wise. Have been very busy with school (Semester has ended! And exams next week!), which is why I have not got much time to read either. Finished reading Raised By Wolves by Jennifer Lynn Barnes, which I can't believe I read last month..seems like I read it a long time ago - it was that forgettable. I really wanted to like this book, after reading Jennifer's tweets I was very excited to read her book but the book just got worse and worse. She can write well - even add a few science remarks here and there to my joy! But story wise I was not too impressed. Should have waited for the paperback to come and then read it, definitely not worth the hardcover price. So I am not really writing a review on this book. Writing reviews on books I like is much more fun for everyone involved. I gave the book a 2.5 out of 5.

Moving on, I ordered some books off of amazon.ca. The list is as follows: 
  1. Elfland by Freda Warrington
  2. Unholy Ghosts by Stacia Kane 
  3. Leaving Paradise by Simone Elkeles
  4. Return to Paradise by Simone Elkeles
  5. Vision in White by Nora Roberts
  6. Scandal in Spring by Lisa Kleypas
So excited to read all of these books! Especially Leaving Paradise, because, oh, like the girl in the story I broke my leg recently as well..haha. Wish exams were over already so I can read and read and then read some more...

Till next time,


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Devil in Winter (Wallflowers #3)

Spoiler Alert

Got done reading Devil in Winter two days ago, and I am gonna go ahead and say this was my favourite book of the entire Wallflower Series so far! (there are two more which I haven't read yet). Evie and Sebastian do make a great couple because they really compliment each other. 400 pages aren't nearly enough for us to see character developments (in my opinion) but Kleypas did do great in this one. Mainly because these two characters had been introduced earlier on in the series. Evie's character was introduced in the first book (Secrets of a Summer Night) and she appeared to be a very timid stuttering girl who didn't quite know what to do with herself in social situations, and to be honest I really wasn't looking forward to her story. But in this book, we see how there is this whole other side to her which can't be seen on the first look. Sebastian! Well, he is a typical "tamed rake"...he struggled with the fact that he was in love with this girl and it did take him a bit to get used to it. All in all I did like the character developments. Here were two characters that I wasn't particularly fond of (Evie being shy, Sebastian being the villain of It Happened One Autumn) but after reading this book I really did like them!

The story well, it was alright. The whole Evie's step brother story was a little too abrupt and left a lot to be desired. Could have totally done without it, and when in the end he dies....nobody really cares. I mean I get it he was mad, but it was something not under his control. 

Now that I am done reading this..I am going back to reading YA paranormal fiction! (Raised by Wolves)..review coming soon. 

Overall rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars. 

Saturday, October 30, 2010

It Happened One Autumn (Wallflowers #2)

I finished reading It Happened One Autumn by Lisa Kleypas this week. It was a fun read...ever since reading Secrets of a Summer Night, I was looking forward to reading Lillian and Westcliff's story. This book didn't disappoint me at all and I have to say I like it much better than the first in the wallflowers series. Lillian was the firey, hot headed, does-whatever-she-wants-to kind of a girl. And I also like the fact that when she was in trouble, she was able to hold her own and did not wait to be "rescued". Westcliff was an interesting character as well...for me he was not the makes-me-weak-in-the-knees hero. I wish that his character had developed more because I did feel that his falling in love with Lillian was rather abrupt...That being said, I really like this book! Also, I really like the fact that Sebastian was introduced in this book ;) 

I have already started reading Devil in Winter (Wallflowers #3) which is Evie and Sebastian's story. Review coming up soon!

Also, I have decided to buy a Kindle for myself this December...eeeee can't wait!

Book Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Truth About Forever & Book Haul

So I finally finished The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen. I gave it a rating of 4 on a scale of 5. School started recently so I have been very busy and didn't really have much time to read the book, so it was read in parts and pieces. Macy's character and her struggle for perfection is something I can relate to excluding her loss. But really, it doesn't take a loss in your life to think about forever and what it holds for you. I often found myself wondering the same things that Macy would think about. Jason's character is one of those characters who happens to show up only in two scenes and has a really big role in it all nevertheless. Wes and Macy's relationship was something which developed very slowly, and while I could have absolutely died at more gestures of affection, I do feel that the one kiss did mean a lot. Throughout the book Dessen had many metaphors and analogies which got me thinking in a very good way. Monica's character was a tad bit exaggerated in my opinion. Overall it was a nice summer read..which I read in fall. haha. Wes was a total hottie too with his whole tortured artist routine :)

I ordered some books on Amazon.ca, which now has a minimum purchase requirement of $25 in order to take advantage of the free super saving shipping!! This is a huge difference from the $39 that it used to be before. Maybe this minimum purchase requirement will also keep me in budget next time? I just can't wait till Amazon.ca also introduces the Kindle on its website, hopefully before Christmas? Because either way I have decided to treat myself to the Kindle :) I mean as much as I would love to have an iPad, I just can't justify spending that much money on it at this point in my life.

Talk about going on a tangent there, anyway I got 10 books in total, more paperbacks than harcovers but here is the list:

1. Glimmerglass by Jenna Black (Paperback)
2. Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins (Hardcover)
3. Water For Elephants by Sara Gruen (Paperback)
4. As You Wish by Jackson Pearce (Paperback)
5. Paranormalcy by Kiersten White (Hardcover)
6. It Happened One Autumn by Lisa Kleypas (Paperback)
7. Naked In Death by JD Robb (Paperback)
8. The Iron Daughter by Julie Kagawa (Paperback)
9. The Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare(Hardcover)
10. Amy and Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson (Hardcover)

I definitely prefer paperbacks for their lower prices but hardcovers have the most awesomest covers/designs. So I can never really decide which one I prefer.

Currently, I am reading Raised By Wolves by Jennifer Lynn Barnes...review coming soon!

Sorry for having been MIA...but now I am back in full force :) 

Until next time,
